ConsumerLab is a team of researchers who knows how to properly choose tools and carry out experiments to find answers to bothering research questions. We focus on understanding human behavior in the area of commerce and marketing. ConsumerLab is also an access to infrastructure that allows you to collect data on human neurophysiological activity, record the course of qualitative research and carry out statistically advanced analyzes. On this basis, we draw conclusions that we provide to business clients or publish in the form of scientific articles in domestic and foreign magazines.
ConsumerLab in numbers
Completed projects
Tested users
Team members
Lab Team
Andrzej Szymkowiak, PhD
Laboratory Managerdr inż. Urszula Garczarek-Bąk
Tomasz Zawadzi, PhD
Kishokanth Jeganathan
Elżbieta Żelichowska, PhD student
Anna Roth, PhD student
Selected projects / research problems
- An evaluation of the effectiveness of clickbait headlines on content interest
- The impact of attributes of online reviews on consumer perception about them
- Factors affect user’s attitude toward intention to download paid mobile application
- The influence of famous people on the perception of product
- Social Media Networks communities: analysis of openness on new members and response level on opinion-generating content
- Managing Data in Digital Marketing
- Ambivalent attitudes towards social media
- Investigating the role of social media in enhancing consumer awareness of sustainability
- Factors affecting participation in the sharing economy
- Which influencer should promote our hotel? Effect of arousal and thematic compatibility on hotel perception
- Why is it worth investigating virtual reality in the context of tourism
- Non-homogenic user-generated content in tourism
- The Number of Electrodermal Responses to an Un(familiar) Retailer Commercial to Predict Its Private Label Products Purchasing
- Towards building sustainable consumption: a study of second-hand buying intentions
- An evaluation of clickbait headlines in luring reader attention
- Privacy policy complexity in the EU- a study of the largest ecommerce and multichannel retailers
- Using sentimental analysis to measure headline polarity of news media
- When conceptual fluency limits willingness to buy. The interaction effect of arousal and product consistency
- Shaping the image of personal trainers in social media
- The impact of post attributes on social media on the response of users in the cosmetics industry
- Marketing activities undertaken by enterprises to attract Facebook followers
- The impact of marketing content on the media response social networking
- Analysis of influencer offer in the fashion industry
- The use of chatbots in communication with consumers via social media
- Consumer decision-making process in omnichannel environment
- Ethnocentric attitudes of consumers in different formats of commerce
- Determinants of consumers in relation to recommend goods and services in social media
- Consumer behavior in relation to sharing economy
- Impact of gamification in brand consumer experience and decision making process
- Consumer affective, cognitive and behavioural responses to interactive movie
- Use of product placement in interactive movies
- Impact of immersion on sensory perception of food products
- The impact of colors in the presentation of products in e-commerce on its perception
- Willingness to share content about sustainability in social media
- Impact of various e-commerce promotion labeling on shopping intentions
- Factors determining purchase in online erotic stores
- Impact of product packaging elements on perceived environmental performance
- Recognition of private labels in chain stores
- The impact of multitasking on the number of errors and time
- Is sex appeal still effective as a tool to improve product sales and attractiveness?
- Emotion colors in social media
- Decomposition of preferences in relation to recommendations in social media
- The impact of social media activity on the money collected by NGOs
- The impact of gamification on willingness to recommend the brand
- Impact of product exposure on perception of his attributes