ConsumerLab to po pierwsze zespół, który wie jak dobrać właściwe narzędzia i przeprowadzać eksperymenty, aby znajdować odpowiedzi na nurtujące pytania badawcze. Skupiamy się na poznaniu i zrozumieniu zachowań ludzkich w obszarze handlu i marketingu. ConsumerLab to po drugie dostęp do infrastruktury, która pozwala gromadzić dane dotyczące aktywności neurofizjologicznej człowieka, rejestrować przebieg badań jakościowych i przeprowadzać zaawansowane statystycznie analizy. Na tej podstawie wyciągamy wnioski, które przekazujemy klientom biznesowym lub publikujemy w formie artykułów naukowych w krajowych i zagranicznych czasopismach.
ConsumerLab w liczbach
Zrealizowanych projektów
Przebadanych użytkowników
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Lab Team
Wybrane projekty/problemy badawcze
- An evaluation of the effectiveness of clickbait headlines on content interest
- The impact of attributes of online reviews on consumer perception about them
- Factors affect user’s attitude toward intention to download paid mobile application
- The influence of famous people on the perception of product
- Social Media Networks communities: analysis of openness on new members and response level on opinion-generating content
- Managing Data in Digital Marketing
- Ambivalent attitudes towards social media
- Investigating the role of social media in enhancing consumer awareness of sustainability
- Factors affecting participation in the sharing economy
- Which influencer should promote our hotel? Effect of arousal and thematic compatibility on hotel perception
- Why is it worth investigating virtual reality in the context of tourism
- Non-homogenic user-generated content in tourism
- The Number of Electrodermal Responses to an Un(familiar) Retailer Commercial to Predict Its Private Label Products Purchasing
- Towards building sustainable consumption: a study of second-hand buying intentions
- An evaluation of clickbait headlines in luring reader attention
- Privacy policy complexity in the EU- a study of the largest ecommerce and multichannel retailers
- Using sentimental analysis to measure headline polarity of news media
- When conceptual fluency limits willingness to buy. The interaction effect of arousal and product consistency
- Shaping the image of personal trainers in social media
- The impact of post attributes on social media on the response of users in the cosmetics industry
- Marketing activities undertaken by enterprises to attract Facebook followers
- The impact of marketing content on the media response social networking
- Analysis of influencer offer in the fashion industry
- The use of chatbots in communication with consumers via social media
- Consumer decision-making process in omnichannel environment
- Ethnocentric attitudes of consumers in different formats of commerce
- Determinants of consumers in relation to recommend goods and services in social media
- Consumer behavior in relation to sharing economy
- Impact of gamification in brand consumer experience and decision making process
- Consumer affective, cognitive and behavioural responses to interactive movie
- Use of product placement in interactive movies
- Impact of immersion on sensory perception of food products
- The impact of colors in the presentation of products in e-commerce on its perception
- Willingness to share content about sustainability in social media
- Impact of various e-commerce promotion labeling on shopping intentions
- Factors determining purchase in online erotic stores
- Impact of product packaging elements on perceived environmental performance
- Recognition of private labels in chain stores
- The impact of multitasking on the number of errors and time
- Is sex appeal still effective as a tool to improve product sales and attractiveness?
- Emotion colors in social media
- Decomposition of preferences in relation to recommendations in social media
- The impact of social media activity on the money collected by NGOs
- The impact of gamification on willingness to recommend the brand
- Impact of product exposure on perception of his attributes